Blog -Koray Gocmen
Handling configuration in Go
Concurrency and mutex locks in Go
Writing an image manipulation library in Go - Part 1
Writing an image manipulation library in Go - Part 2
Writing an image manipulation library in Go - Part 3
Removing moving objects from images in Go
Single scheduler multiple worker architecture with GRPC and Go - Part 1
Single scheduler multiple worker architecture with GRPC and Go - Part 2
Single scheduler multiple worker architecture with GRPC and Go - Part 3
Single scheduler multiple worker architecture with GRPC and Go - Part 4
Single scheduler multiple worker architecture with GRPC and Go - Part 5
Closing TCP/UDP sockets with timeouts and error handling in Nodejs
Custom DNS resolver for the default HTTP client in Go
Timer events instead of cron jobs in Go
Sequelize database connection with Nodejs
Sequelize database migrations and models with Nodejs
Koray Gocmen
Koray Gocmen

University of Toronto, Computer Engineering.

Architected and implemented reliable infrastructures and worked as the lead developer for multiple startups.